
BUILD by brunchwork

A full-day intensive with 2 rigorous interactive workshops packed with actionable insights & strategies.

Have you come up with great ideas (at brunchwork or elsewhere) & wonder what happens next? Join our rigorous interactive workshops for actionable insights & strategies.

1. Startup Roadmap: Morning session (10am - 12:30pm)
For aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to turn their ideas into successful products & services. Develop a roadmap to launch & learn the top strategies/hacks to achieve traction early & quickly. Topics include:

  • Validating ideas & testing user demand
  • Launching a MVP
  • Developing monetization strategies

  • 2. Tech Frameworks: Afternoon session (1:30pm - 4pm)
    For ambitious young people eager to understand how tech works. Topics include:
  • Front-end & back-end languages and frameworks
  • Relational & non-relational databases
  • Crash course on Stack, Git/Github, CMS, etc.

  • Attendees have the option of joining for one or both sessions. Each session is 2.5 hours with a 1-hour lunch break in between.

    SELECT members save 15% off tickets with promo code SELECT.