
Washington DC Artechouse Renewal 2121

Artechouse Renewal 2121

Inspired by the annual cherry blossom season and utilizing the power of creative technology, Renewal 2121 seeks to inspire hope amid a global pandemic and concerns of climate change. Transporting us 100 years into the future, it immerses us in an industrial city where nature fights to survive amid an overdeveloped metropolis. This is a future that will arrive if humanity continues unchecked at its current pace.

However, there is a hopeful message to be discovered as blossoms are seen peeking through the plastic, concrete and neon lights, ready to renew the season with the help of those willing to take action. ARTECHOUSE presents this original production from their Creative Team with visual design by Yuya Takeda, music by Mario Hammer and the Lonely Robot, and scenery by Design Foundry. Now more than ever, we must realize the importance of nature and find the courage to affect positive change—Renewal 2121 empowers us to do just that. The opening of this installation coincides with the blooming season and the beginning of the calendar year in many cultures, bringing new hopes and dreams at a time when nature goes through rebirth. This sense of excitement that looking ahead brings is part of the core message of this multi-sensory installation, along with the critical challenge that we face together as global citizens: climate change.

“We feel that now more than ever we must reflect on our actions and turn our communal efforts towards the preservation of the environment. In showing a possible future that will come about if we continue our reckless industrial development at its current pace, we hope that this installation will inspire visitors to be part of a positive change.”
- Sandro, Founder & Chief Creative Officer