

10% off MELA retreat

Join us for a weekend retreat to clear your mind, meditate with world-renowned instructors, and form lasting relationships with peers. We will cultivate joy, dip into stillness, and be part of an inspiring community, supporting and uplifting each other. We would love to welcome you.

At Mela people meet lifelong friends. Because when you meditate you go within. You become more authentic and more you. To do this on retreat, away from the stress of daily life, is profound. You open to connecting with people on a deep level. People who met at previous Mela retreats now travel together each summer, invest in each other’s companies and become the closest of confidants. Why? When you go on retreat, enjoying meditation, activities and long-table outdoor meals — you meet people who will change your life.

Reach out to SELECT Concierge to redeem this perk.